This week’s author interview is with Dan Doriani, author of The Sermon on the Mount: The Character of a Disciple, Getting the Message: A Plan for Interpreting and Applying the Bible, Putting the Truth to Work: The Theory and Practice of Biblical Application, as well as the following books in the Reformed Expository Commentary series: 1 Peter, James, Matthew (2-Volume Set), and is a co-author of The Incarnation in the Gospels.


  • Ques­tion #1 — Tell us a lit­tle bit about your­self: where you’re from, fam­ily, job, per­sonal inter­ests, unique hob­bies, what do you do in your spare time, etc.

I’ve lived at least three months in eight states, but St. Louis has been home since 1991. I’m married, with three grown children and one grandchild. Even before I was a disciple, I always wanted to be a good father, a faithful friend, a man’s man – one who values hard work, strength, and loyalty. In my spare time I play tennis, work out, write poetry, and visit with friends.


  • Question #2 – Have you always enjoyed writing?

No one always enjoys writing. At best we enjoy it at times and look with some satisfaction at the result, knowing that we said things that are true and useful, in ways that approximated our goals when we began.


  • Question #3 – What book are you reading now?

I’m reading theology with John Calvin, philosophy with Charles Taylor, and novels by Marilynne Robinson and John LeCarre because they are writers who understand human nature.


  • Question #4 – Do you have a favorite quote?

Because they say important things in sticky and paradoxical ways, I like these three statements: “All decisions are made on the basis of insufficient evidence”, “No one ever finishes a book, they just stop writing”, and “The impossible takes a little bit longer.”


  • Question #5 – What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Read. Read widely. Read the best authors – with the best content and a style that is brisk or observant or invisible or precise or detailed, as the situation warrants.


  • Question #6 – How do you deal with writer’s block?

I stand up and do something different: I walk around or clean the kitchen or do push-ups or grade papers. In extreme cases I may go running or go to the gym.


  • Question #7 – What is your favorite sport to watch?

Let me suggest that we should never watch sports when we have an opportunity to play sports. Why would we watch when we can do? That said, my favorite baseball team is the Cardinals, since I live in St. Louis, they are good almost every year, and I have friends who invite me to share their seats, right by the field, and I love their company, which is an even greater gift. My favorite basketball team is the team that loves to pass and does so very well.

Want to learn more about Dan Doriani?