Piety: The Heartbeat of Reformed Theology by Joel R. Beeke

40 pages | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet

Summary: When was the last time you thought about being pious? The word tends to make us think of having a “holier-than-thou” attitude. But this negative view strays far from piety’s beginnings. Joel Beeke reclaims the Reformers’ vision for an attractive piety rooted in the knowledge of God and our union with Christ. Focusing on both mind and soul, he offers practical ways to cultivate a vibrant piety, helping you grow in Christlikeness and in your reverence and love for God. Bring harmony between your doctrine and practice, and bring glory to God as he cultivates the fruit of the Spirit in your life.

About the Author: 

Beeke_Joel Joel R. Beeke is President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, where he also serves as Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics. He is a pastor of the Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregations in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has written Overcoming the World: Grace to Win the Daily Battle, What Is Resurrection?, and is a contributor in The Triune God, God, Adam, and You: Biblical Creation Defended and Applied, and Assured by God: Living in the Fullness of God’s Grace.

What Others Say About This Booklet:

“A summary of piety that is both biblically rich and theologically precise, written by one whose life consistently demonstrates it.”

Derek W. H. Thomas, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Atlanta


The Heart of the Gospel: God’s Son Given for You by Sinclair B. Ferguson

24 pages | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet

Summary: How can we truly know that God always does what is best for us? Focusing on Romans 8:32, Sinclair Ferguson reminds us what lies at the heart of the gospel. In the atonement, we behold the Father who refused to spare his own Son—and the Son who was obedient in being delivered up on our behalf. If this is the kind of God we have, and if this is what he has already shown us of himself, then we can confidently say he is for us.

About the Author:

Ferguson Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson is professor of systematic theology at Redeemer Seminary and dean of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Ligonier Academy. He is the editor of John Owen: The Man and His Theology, as well as a contributor for These Last Days: A Christian View of History, Atonement, and Assured By God: Living in the Fullness of God’s Grace.

What Others Say About This Booklet:

“Sinclair Ferguson reaches deep into the Scriptures to disclose the love of the triune God for fallen sinners. This is a wonderful elixir for the soul and should not be missed.”

J. V. Fesko, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Westminster Seminary California

“This is a book that I will give to non-Christian friends as well as seasoned believers. The Heart of the Gospel not only informs, but transforms, as it proclaims Christ in his saving office.”

Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Theology, Westminster Seminary California


No Adam, No Gospel: Adam and the History of Redemption by Richard Gaffin Jr.

32 pages | List Price: $4.99 | Booklet

Summary: Doubts and denials swarm the biblical teaching that humans descend from an original pair, Adam and Eve. Some even claim that these doubts are compatible with Christian commitment. But is that possible? Richard Gaffin shows how these denials undermine the entire history of redemption taught in Scripture. When we remove Adam and Eve from history, we are left with no redemptive history. Gaffin reminds us that, with no Adam there is no gospel.

About the Author:

Gaffin_Richard_B Richard B. Gaffin Jr. is Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is the author of By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of SalvationResurrection and Redemption: A study in Paul’s SoteriologyPerspectives on Pentecost: New Testament Teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and is the editor of Thy Word Is Still Truth: Essential Writings on the Doctrine of Scripture from the Reformation to TodayRedemptive History and the New Testament ScripturesRedemptive History & Biblical Interpretation: The Shorter Writings of Geerhardus Vos, and Adam in the New Testament: Mere Teaching Model or First Historical Man?.

What Others Say About This Booklet:

“In Scripture, who we were in Adam is decisive for who we are now as human beings made in the image of God, and who we shall become as redeemed believers in Christ. Dick Gaffin draws out the serious theological implications that necessarily flow from the denial of a historic Adam as the primordial ancestor of humanity.”

Iain M. Duguid, Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia


Our mis­sion is to serve Christ and his church by pro­duc­ing clear, engag­ing, fresh, and insight­ful appli­ca­tions of Reformed theology.
