Here is a recap of the 4 new releases from March.

1. God, Adam, and You: Biblical Creation Defended and Applied
edited by Richard D. Phillips
224 pages
List Price: $14.99
Series: Best of Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology (PCRT)
Subject: Theology

Summary: Questioning the truth of Genesis 1–3 puts more than just Adam in jeopardy—the repercussions are enormous. Noted pastor-scholars Joel R. Beeke, Kevin DeYoung, Liam Goligher, Richard D. Phillips, Derek W. H. Thomas, and Carl R. Trueman argue for the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture, unpacking the implications of Genesis 1–3 for human nature, original sin, the gospel, God’s intent for human sexuality, redemption, and more.

2. A Journey to Wholeness: The Gospel According to Naaman’s Slave Girl
by Mark Belz
208 pages
List Price: $14.99
Series: Gospel According to the Old Testament (GAOT)
Subject: Biblical Studies / Old Testament

Summary: This book focuses on biblical reconciliation, both in its primary sense (as Paul uses it) and in a secondary sense, insofar as it touches on reconciliation between races, rich and poor, Jew and Gentile, the powerful and the weak, and between other alienated groups. The focus of the book is Naaman, a Syrian general, and his Jewish slave girl, whose simple testimony helped to bring about a great work of reconciliation: the salvation of her Syrian master. As the story unfolds, God’s saving power is displayed, particularly in bringing light to the Gentiles and in demonstrating the free offer of the gospel. Many Christians identify Naaman’s story with his miraculous healing in the Jordan River but fail to see the greater truth of God’s love for the Gentiles and the breadth of the gospel’s reach. Mark Belz brings understanding and encouragement to us as we see God’s great mercy at work.

3. Computer Science: Discovering God’s Glory in Ones and Zeros
by Jonathan Stoddard
32 pages
List Price: $4.99
Subject: Apologetics / Science and Faith

Summary: What does computer programming have to do with God? Jonathan Stoddard shows how computing transcends computers themselves and finds its source in the God who speaks the world into existence. The way programmers write code gives them a unique insight into God’s all-powerful word. Discover how constructing software can glorify God and unveil more of his character.

4. Living in the Grip of Relentless Grace, Second Edition: The Gospel in the Lives of Isaac & Jacob by Iain M. Duguid
192 pages
List Price: $14.99
Series: Gospel According to the Old Testament (GAOT)
Subject: Biblical Studies / Old Testament

Summary: Isaac and Jacob’s lives were sinful and messy—but God still used them. This encouraging study shows us that the gospel is victorious through God’s grace, not our flawed efforts.

Our mis­sion is to serve Christ and his church by pro­duc­ing clear, engag­ing, fresh, and insight­ful appli­ca­tions of Reformed theology.