The Story: The Bible’s Grand Narrative of Redemption was written for teens and young adultsEach day, you’ll read a Scripture passage—usually one chapter or so and sometimes just a few verses. After reading the passage, you’ll read an explanation of the passage, which will seek to make the passage clear, remind you of its place in the story, and make an application to your life. Read an excerpt from Jon Nielson’s book.

Day 338      Hebrews 11

Today you read one of the most well-known passages in all of Scripture. You’ve probably heard Hebrews 11 referred to as “The Hall of Faith.” Only the greatest saints in history get mentioned here; it’s the place where great followers of God are remembered. It’s a fun chapter to read, because it calls to mind so many of the great stories of the Old Testament. But what is this chapter in the book of Hebrews really telling us? What is it all about?

This faith chapter shows us the mark of God’s people in every age. What is that true mark? Faith. Faith in God. Trust in him alone as Savior, Creator, and Lord. God’s people—in every point in the history of this world—have found favor with their Creator through faith alone.

But also this faith chapter reminds us that God’s grace is big enough to save even people who are far from perfect. Look again at the names that are mentioned in this chapter: Rahab, the prostitute from Jericho who joined God’s people; Jephthah, the judge who made a terribly foolish and tragic vow; Samson, the immature and slightly out-of-control hulk of a man. These people are not necessarily all ones you would expect to see here! But, by God’s grace, they are listed here in this summary of faithful people. God’s grace is amazing; it is big enough for sinners like you and me.

Finally, we need to see that this chapter is clear that faithfulness to God will have different earthly results. Some people achieve great victory and accomplishment. Others suffer tremendously! God’s promise is not that faith will lead to comfort on this earth. In fact, for some, faith in Jesus is what leads to terrible pain and anguish on earth. But ultimately the hope for all of God’s true people is in the city and the kingdom to come: an eternity in the presence of Jesus, the great King and Savior.

Today, ask God that you would be numbered with his people throughout all the ages who have been marked by their faith in him. Ask him for strength to believe his promises. Ask him for courage to live by his Word. Pray that he would enable you to trust in Christ alone as your Savior. And, by his grace, look forward to the day when you will praise his name forever as you stand with David, Abraham, Moses, and the rest of God’s redeemed people.

Excerpt taken from The Story: The Bible’s Grand Narrative of Redemption by Jon Nielson, page 354, copyright 2014 by P&R Publishing.