This week’s author interview is with Dan Doriani. He is the author of the upcoming book, Work: Its Purpose, Dignity, and Transformation (releasing 4/1).

His other books include The Sermon on the Mount, Getting the Message, and Putting the Truth to Work, as well as the following books in the Reformed Expository Commentary series: 1 Peter, James, and Matthew (2-Volume Set).

  • What book are you reading now?

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles


  • Which writers inspire you?

Novelists who master language and character to address the great issues beautifully.


  • Do you have a specific spot where you enjoy writing most?

A quiet, sun-lit room.


  • Do you have a favorite author?



  • Favorite food?

Summer fruit salad


  • Favorite flavor of ice cream?



  • Favorite animal?

Gila Monster