The Faithful Shepherd Pastors and Elders Conference is only a few weeks away (May 5-7). Sponsored by the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and P&R Publishing, the conference will take place at Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island, NJ. It will be a catalyst in many churches for renewed growth and ministry.


This is what our keynote speaker, Pastor Harry Reeder, says about the conference:

“The objective is never church growth. Church growth is the anticipated result. The objective is church health marked by a God-glorifying, Christ-centered, Gospel-driven, Holy Spirit-empowered and Bible-shaped community of believers. Let’s explore it together at the Faithful Shepherds conference May 5-7.”


And here are 4 more reasons for you and your elders to attend.

Four Biblical Truths That Will Reshape Your Ministry

1. Every church needs strengthening. Harry Reeder will show how God’s instructions to the church at Ephesus serve as an outline for revitalizing churches: “Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the works you did at first” (Rev. 2:5 esv).

  • What steps do we need to take to return to our first love (Rev. 2:4)?
  • Where do you see the need for strength in your own church?

2. Every pastor needs strengthening and encouragement. Ed Welch will explore the dangers of measuring your worth and effectiveness based on the feedback—verbal or not—of your church members. Learn how to respond wisely to the pressures and opinions of others.

  • Where do you see the need for strength in your own ministry?
  • In what ways do you experience pressure from others?

3. Church members need pastors and elders to shepherd them. Tim Witmer will challenge you as you lead and care for the flock that has been appointed to you by God. Following the instructions laid out in the Bible, you and your elders can work together in thoughtful ministry to your people.

  • In what ways do you see yourself as being a shepherd?
  • In what ways do you see your congregation as a flock?

4. Every pastor will be pushed to his natural earthly limits. And unfortunately, sometimes his church members are the ones who do this. Steve Estes will show you how to deal with “angry sheep,” men and women who seem eager to attack or undermine you and your ministry.

  • In the past, how have your congregants expressed anger and disappointment with you?
  • How have you responded, and how would you have liked to respond?


For more information, visit our website (, call us at 1(800) 631-0094, or write to us at