Antinomianism: Reformed Theology’s Unwelcome Guest? by Mark Jones

Book Reviews:

I’ve been getting some requests from people to post more book reviews of P&R’s titles so that they can get a sense of what other people are saying about the book, not just what P&R employees or book endorsers are saying. So, here are 3 book reviews for Mark Jones’ book, Antinomianism. I hope you find them helpful. If you do, don’t forget to like/follow the review site’s social media accounts (links are at the bottom of the blog).

Summary of the Book:

an·ti·no·mi·an noun [an-ti-ˈnō-mē-ən]: “One who holds that under the gospel dispensation of grace the moral law is of no use or obligation because faith alone is necessary to salvation.” —Merriam-Webster’s dictionary

Hotly debated since the sixteenth century in the Reformed theological tradition, and still a burning issue today, antinomianism has a long and complicated story.

This book is the first to examine antinomianism from a historical, exegetical, and systematic perspective. More than that, in it Mark Jones offers a key—a robust Reformed Christology with a strong emphasis on the Holy Spirit—and chapter by chapter uses it to unlock nine questions raised by the debates.

  • Click HERE to read the table of contents
  • Click HERE for a sample chapter of the book


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