The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology, and Worship by Robert Letham

568 Pages | Direct Price: $24.99 $18.50 | Paperback | Released: 2004

Summary: When it comes to the doctrine of the Trinity, evangelicals have underachieved. In The Holy Trinity, Robert Letham helps to redress this shortcoming. He offers a well-researched volume about “the One who is utterly transcendent and incomprehensible.” After examining the doctrine’s biblical foundations, Letham traces its historical development through the twentieth century, and engages four critical issues: the Trinity and (1) the incarnation, (2) worship and prayer, (3) creation and missions, and (4) persons.

About the Author:

Letham_RobertRobert Letham is Senior Lecturer in Systematic and Historical Theology at Wales Evangelical School of Theology (WEST). He has advanced degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary and the University of Aberdeen. Robert is also the author of The Lord’s Supper: Eternal Word in Broken Bread, Union with Christ: In Scripture, History, and Theology, and The Westminster Assembly: Reading Its Theology in Historical Context.

What Others Say About This Book:

“In this outstanding work, Letham points us back to God in all the mystery and glory of his triune being. With his keen theological acumen, Letham has given us a tour de force of Reformed theology.” Sinclair Ferguson

“Solid and judicious, comprehensive and thorough, abreast of past wisdom and present-day debate, and doxological in tone throughout, this is far and away the best big textbook on the Trinity that you can find, and it will surely remain so for many years to come.”J. I. Packer


Our mis­sion is to serve Christ and his church by pro­duc­ing clear, engag­ing, fresh, and insight­ful appli­ca­tions of Reformed theology.
