This week’s author interview is with Gary Steward. He is the author of Princeton Seminary (1812-1929): Its Leaders’ Lives and Works.


  • Question #1 – Tell us a little bit about yourself: where you’re from, family, job, personal interests, unique hobbies, what you do in your spare time, etc.

I grew up in a Christian home and was raised on a farm in South Dakota. I met my wife Amy while I was an apprentice at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis. We spent seven years of our lives together in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, where I served as a pastor. Our three children were born in Canada, so they like to say that they are “Camerican.” Right now, I am finishing my PhD in Church History and Historical Theology and will soon be moving to Lakewood, Colorado, where I’ve just been hired as a professor of history at Colorado Christian University. When I’m not thinking about my dissertation topic (the American Revolution and the American clergy’s involvement in it), I like to read and spend time with my family.


  • Question #2 – Which writers inspire you?

I discovered the writings of J. I. Packer, Iain Murray, John Piper, R. C. Sproul, and Martyn Lloyd-Jones while I was a student at South Dakota State University. I owe the whole orientation of my theology, as well as my love of church history and Christian biography, to these writers. The one writer that has inspired me the most has been Iain Murray. His books blend history, theology, biography, and devotion together in a way that is both spiritually rich and theologically instructive.


  • Question #3 – What inspired you to write this book, about this topic?

Reading the published letters of J. W. Alexander opened my eyes to the whole world of Old Princeton. Through reading his letters, I saw the world of nineteenth century America through the eyes of a Princeton theologian. I was fascinated by Alexander’s interaction with the world around him and by his attempts to apply his theology to the burning social, political, and ecclesiastical issues of his day.


  • Question #4 – What book are you reading now?

I’ve recently been reading The Future of History by John Lukacs and a textbook on Western Civilization by Marvin Perry et al. I’m also reading The Hobbit to my girls while they wash dishes in the evenings.


  • Question #5 – Favorite food?

I really enjoy good Indian food. It’s hard to beat butter chicken, chana masala, and samosas!


  • Question #6 – If you have a favorite book of the Bible, what is it and why?

My favorite book of the Bible is Romans. I love Paul’s presentation of the gospel and of God’s sovereign grace. Romans never grows old to me.