Starr Meade served for ten years as the director of children’s ministries in a local church and has taught Bible and Latin classes in Christian Schools. She lives in Mesa, Arizona, where she is currently teaching classes to homeschoolers. She is the author of the following four P&R titles:


1. Training Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Shorter Catechism

360 pages | List Price: $14.99 | Paperback

Summary  This book of daily readings aids memorization by devoting six days and meditations to each question. It explains the catechism in simple language, includes key Scripture readings, and takes just a few moments each day, allowing time for discussion and review. Useful in the home, church, or classroom.

2. Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds: Family Devotions Based on the Heidelberg Catechism

256 pages | List Price: $14.99 | Paperback | SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary  Starr Meade enables families with school-age children to participate in satisfying devotions together by taking them through The Heidelberg Catechism—explaining its answers in short devotional readings accompanied by relevant Bible passages.

3. Give Them Truth: Teaching Eternal Truths to Young Minds

208 pages | List Price: $14.99 | Paperback | SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary — Whether you are a parent or a teacher, Starr Meade encourages you to impart a robust knowledge of God to your children from a young age, because a sound theology will prepare them for whatever life has in store. She provides you with the tools and resources to give your kids the biblical knowledge they need to grow in love for God and to live for him.

4. Grandpa’s Box: Retelling the Biblical Story of Redemption

288 pages | List Price: $13.99 | Paperback

Summary — Learn along with Marc and Amy as Grandpa shares his stories of the great war we are all fighting. See how his special box of wooden carvings illustrates the wonderful stories of the Bible.

Starr Meade, the author of the popular Training Hearts, Teaching Minds, takes children to a deeper understanding of God’s plan of redemption told throughout all of Scripture.

Each chapter emphasizes what we learn about God, not just what we learn about individual characters in the Bible.