Aliens in the Promised Land: Why Minority Leadership Is Overlooked in White Christian Churches and Institutions edited by Anthony B. Bradley with contributions by: Amos Yong, Lance Lewis, Orlando Rivera, Juan Martinez, Vincent Bacote, Ralph C. Watkins, Carl F. Ellis Jr., Anthony B. Bradley, & Harold Dean Trulear

256 pages | Direct Price: $15.99 $12.00 | Paperback | SAMPLE CHAPTER


Today’s church growth is centered in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and evangelicalism must adapt to changing demographics or risk becoming irrelevant. Yet many evangelicals behave “tribally,” valuing the perspective of only those like themselves while also denying any evidence of racial attitudes in the church.

Anthony Bradley has gathered scholars and leaders from diverse “tribes”—black, Hispanic, and Asian—to share advice on building relationships with minority denominations and valuing the perspectives and leadership of minority Christians (not just their token presence). They seek to help evangelicalism more faithfully show the world that the gospel brings together people from all tribes, languages, and cultures.


“This is a terrific book . . . a game changer. . . . If you are tired of the usual arguments about race, as I am, this book will wake you up with some new ideas.”

—John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary

“Anthony Bradley pulls together some of the church’s best minds to confront the problem of 21st-century evangelicalism with grace and truth. Those willing to look honestly at the facts . . . may yet lead our cherished institutions to true repentance.”

—Eric C. Redmond, Council Member, The Gospel Coalition; former Vice President, the Southern Baptist Convention

“Prophetically addresses the issues connected to evangelicalism and minorities. Everyone, particularly church leaders, need to read this book.”

—Tremper Longman III, Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College

About the Editor

Bradley_Anthony_WEBAnthony B. Bradley (Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary; M.Div., Covenant Theological Seminary; M.A., Fordham University) is associate professor of theology and ethics at The King’s College in New York City and a research fellow at the Acton Institute in Grand Rapids.