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Upcoming Books in Our Reformed Expository Commentary Series

We will be releasing the following 2 Reformed Expository Commentaries this fall: 1–3 John by Douglas Sean O’Donnell 248 pages | $19.99 | To be released in September Summary: How can we know that we possess eternal life? The apostle John answered that question in the three epistles that bear his name. He wrote that we must firstly …

Upcoming Summer Releases

1. Tangle: The Quest for Truth, Book 4 by Brock Eastman  448 pages | List Price: $12.99 | Series: The Quest for Truth | Youth Fiction Summary: The Wikk kids have been separated on their quest to find humanity’s home planet. Reunited with his parents, Mason makes new friends and clashes with old enemies on board the sinister Übel ship, the …

Upcoming April and May Releases

Here is the list of our upcoming books that will be released in April and May. APRIL Give Them Truth: Teaching Eternal Truths to Young Minds by Starr Meade 224 pages | List Price: $14.99 | Paperback Summary: How do you prepare your kids for life’s ups and downs? How do you push back the harmful …

Upcoming Reformed Expository Commentary (REC) Books

This year we are publishing two more volumes as a part of our Reformed Expository Commentary series. Both of them are scheduled to be released in the fall. 1-3 John Author: Douglas Sean O’Donnell List Price: $19.99 Scheduled to Be Released in September 1-2 Thessalonians Author: Richard D. Phillips List Price: Not yet determined Scheduled to Be Released …