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BOOK HIGHLIGHT – Jesus Is Most Special by Sally Michael

Jesus Is Most Special by Sally Michael

24 pages | Direct Price: $9.99 $7.50 | Fully Illustrated | Hardcover


Our children are special to us, and Christmas is a special time for them, captivating them with its joy and wonder.

What better time for parents to introduce their young children to the most special child ever born—the child who is also the Savior of the world and the King of all Kings?

Sally Michael helps parents to share the story of the birth of Jesus with their children and goes a step further by placing the Christmas story in the larger context of the Bible—what comes before and after. She motivates even the youngest children to teach this all-important story to others after they have learned it for themselves.

Through its large, full-color illustrated pages and its suggestions for accompanying songs and visuals, this book will help children to learn by heart the most special story ever told.


The simplicity of this book mirrors the plainness of the biblical story. Carol lyrics waft beside the brief, deep Scriptures that inspired them. In these pages the Savior is clearly worshiped—the story of his arrival touched me yet again.” 

—Steve Estes, Author of A Better December

About the Author

Michael_Sally_editedSally Michael is the co-founder and publishing consultant of Children Desiring God, and she developed their widely used Sunday school curriculum for young people. She is also an author and a speaker, and she served as Minister for Children at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for sixteen years.

Sally Michael

Sally Michael

Sample Page

Wise Men

Final 2 Upcoming Releases of 2015

Below are the final 2 upcoming releases for 2015 from P&R Publishing. They will both be released December 11, 2015.

For a Continuing Church The Roots of the Presbyterian Church in America by Sean Michael Lucas

368 pages | Direct Price: $19.99 $15.00 | Paperback | Subject: Reformed Traditions / Church History 


The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is the largest conservative, evangelical Presbyterian denomination in North America. And yet ministers, elders, and laypeople know only the barest facts concerning the denomination’s founding. For a Continuing Church is a fully researched, scholarly yet accessible account of the theological and social forces that brought about the PCA.

Drawing on little used archival sources, as well as Presbyterian newspapers and magazines, Lucas charts the formation of conservative dissent in response to the young progressive leadership that emerged in the Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS) in the 1920s and 1930s. Their vision was to purify the PCUS from these progressive theological elements and return it to its spiritual heartland: evangelism and missions. Only as the church declared the gospel with confidence in the inspired Scriptures would America know social transformation.

Forty years after its founding, the PCA has nearly 400,000 members and is still growing in the United States and internationally.


“As God did a glorious work in the lives of his imperfect but beloved covenant people, he would at times tell them to ‘pile up some stones’ in order to remember what he had done and to teach the ‘coming generations.’ Sean Lucas has ‘piled up some stones’ to prod our remembrance of the gracious work of God’s providence in establishing the Presbyterian Church in America. And the ‘coming generations’ are therefore sure to be both encouraged and equipped for a future that by God’s grace will be marked with an imperfect yet loving obedience.”

—Harry L. Reeder III, Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama

“With For a Continuing Church, Sean Michael Lucas has remedied the neglect that southern Presbyterians have generally suffered at the hands of church historians. His story of conservatives in the Presbyterian Church in the United States follows carefully the Old School tradition as it developed and adapted to twentieth-century life, and then informed the founding of the Presbyterian Church in America. If history teaches lessons, Lucas’s book has at least a semester’s worth for both those who belong to the PCA and others who desire to promote and maintain the witness of Reformed Protestantism.”

—D. G. Hart, author of Calvinism: A History

“Don’t let the title fool you. This is about far more than the PCA. This book is nothing less than a history of Presbyterianism in the twentieth century—with all its theological wrangling, all its political maneuvering, all its failings, and all its faithfulness. This is certainly a story worth telling, and Sean tells it very well.”

—Kevin DeYoung, Senior Pastor, University Reformed Church, East Lansing, Michigan

Spreading the Feast Instruction and Meditations for Ministry at the Lord’s Table by Howard Griffith

152 pages | Direct Price: $14.99 $11.50 | Paperback | Subject: Theology / Sacraments


In this practical book for those who serve the Lord’s Supper, Howard Griffith provides an understanding of the sacrament and twenty-eight pastoral meditations that span both the Old and New Testaments. Spreading the Feast will help students to understand different facets of the Lord’s Supper and pastors to form their own words of explanation and exhortation as they minister at the Table, proving especially helpful to those who celebrate communion frequently.


“Theologically sound and insightful throughout. Here indeed is a feast for all who value their participation in the sacrament, but especially for pastors, whether beginning or experienced, looking for help in making their own ministering at the Table more meaningful and honoring to the Lord.”

Richard B. Gaffin Jr., Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia

“I have profited greatly from Spreading the Feast. . . . Howard’s treatment is biblically sound, and he opens up rich themes, of which some pastors may be unaware. The book will be very useful for pastors and students of theology. I recommend it highly.”

John M. Frame, J. D. Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando

“Professor Howard Griffith puts us all in his debt by his clear and rich exposition of the meaning of the Supper. But he does much more than that. Reclaiming the older tradition of ‘table sermons,’ he simultaneously provides both a model for pastors and soul-nourishing teaching to help us all to discover the joy of union and communion with Christ.”

Sinclair B. Ferguson, Professor of Systematic Theology, Redeemer Seminary, Dallas


NEW RELEASE – 1&2 Thessalonians (REC) by Richard D. Phillips

1&2 Thessalonians by Richard D. Phillips

480 pages | Direct Price: $34.99 $26.00 | Series: Reformed Expository Commentary | SAMPLE CHAPTER


Years before writing Romans or Ephesians, Paul sent a pair of letters to a new church in Thessalonica. Three concerns governed Paul’s teaching in these letters: What makes a healthy church? How should we view God’s Word? What does a Christian life look like? Richard D. Phillips’s commentary considers these foundational issues in a scholarly, pastoral, and practical manner and also explores Paul’s end-times teaching—the clearest found in the New Testament. Through these studies, readers will find a refreshingly clear biblical summary of what will happen before, during, and after the Second Coming. Just as importantly, by touring Paul’s singular teaching in 1 and 2 Thessalonians, readers will recover a joyful anticipation of Christ’s return and receive hope for life in a challenging world.


about the author

Phillips, Rick photo hi resRichard D. Phillips (MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the senior minister of Second Presbyterian Church of Greenville, South Carolina. He is a council member of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, chairman of the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, and coeditor of the Reformed Expository Commentary series.




“As Christians, Bible teachers, or gospel ministers, we take our first step in the study of the Bible by going directly to our copy of God’s Word. Then, seeking to plumb the depths of the text and avoid handling it wrongly, we secure accurate and thoughtful commentaries from trusted commentators. That is precisely what we have in Rick Phillips’s insightful, faithful, and instructive commentary on 1 and 2 Thessalonians, which navigates Paul’s Holy Spirit–inspired treatment of wide-ranging, yet ever-relevant gospel issues for life and eternity.”

—Harry L. Reeder, Pastor/Teacher, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama

“The books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians have a crucial message for the world today, but they can be hard to understand. What does the Bible teach about the return of Christ? What should we think about the ‘rapture’? Who is the man of lawlessness? With theological precision and the care of a seasoned pastor, Richard Phillips reveals the sure biblical path through the underbrush of end-times confusion, and explains the relevance of Paul’s letters for today. Readers will be instructed and encouraged to follow Christ anew, trusting in the God who sovereignly directs history. Highly recommended.”

—Brandon D. Crowe, Assistant Professor of New Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary; Book Review Editor, Westminster Theological Journal

NEW RELEASE – Evangelical Ethics, Fourth Edition by John Jefferson Davis

Evangelical Ethics, Fourth Edition: Issues Facing the Church Today by John Jefferson Davis

Evangelical Ethics_Border

400 pages | Direct Price: $19.99 $15.00 | Subject: Ethics & Worldview


For three decades, Evangelical Ethics has been regarded as one of the best treatments of contemporary ethical problems facing Christians. John Jefferson Davis brings mature biblical thought to issues such as homosexuality, genetics, abortion, euthanasia, war and peace, the environment, divorce, and remarriage.

This fourth edition includes a new chapter on the history and legacy of slavery in the United States. Other chapters have been revised and updated.

About the Author

Dr. John Jefferson Davis, an ordained Presbyterian minister, is professor of systematic theology and Christian ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. A former president of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, Dr. Davis earned his PhD degree in systematic theology at Duke University and is the author of several books, including Theology Primer; Foundations of Evangelical Theology; Evangelical Ethics: Issues Facing the Church Today; Frontiers of Science and Faith; and numerous articles in scholarly journals.


“As I was serving a young and growing congregation serious about studying ethics, this book became my primary resource. . . . [Dr. Davis’s] comprehensive learning, accessible language, and unswerving commitment to the authority of Scripture is evident on every page. . . . Every thoughtful Christian will want to keep this book close at hand.”

—Charles Wingard, Assistant Professor of Practical theology and Dean of Students, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson

“I am delighted that John J. Davis’s Evangelical Ethics is appearing again in a new edition. I have used the text in my classes for years. I admire its faithfulness to Scripture and Reformed theology and its power to stimulate good discussion. . . . I recommend the book highly.”

—John M. Frame, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando


Author Interview with Greg R. Scharf

This week’s author interview is with Greg Scharf. He is the author of our new release – Let the Earth Hear His Voice: Strategies for Overcoming Bottlenecks in Preaching God’s Word. You can read a sample chapter of his book by clicking HERE.


  • Question #1 – Tell us a little bit about yourself: where you’re from, family, job, personal interests, unique hobbies, what you do in your spare time, etc.

I was born in Indiana but grew up in Texas from age 8. As a National Merit Scholar at Rice University, I studied biology and was accepted for doctoral work in physiology, but decided to take a year at a seminary to better equip myself to witness to peers in graduate school. I came to Trinity where I now teach and had so many questions answered that I stayed and completed the M.Div. There I met John Stott who taught one quad during my senior year. He invited me to do an internship at All Souls, Langham Place, in London England. That year turned into three and proved seminal in my ministry. I met my wife there and after three years in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, we moved to a newly planted Evangelical Free Church in Fargo, North Dakota where we enjoyed nineteen years of pastoral ministry.


  • Question #2 – What inspired you to write this book, about this topic?

For the last 16 or so years I have been teaching a course called the “Theology and Methodology of Biblical Preaching”. That course forced me to hone my understanding of preaching and to undergird my practice of preaching with a defensible theology of preaching. I was a practitioner first and a bit more of a theorist second. During this time I conducted preaching seminars in various countries on behalf of Langham Preaching. Seeing the need of a basic book on the subject for those who would never take a course in homiletics, in 2005 I wrote Prepared to Preach: God’s Work and Ours in Proclaiming His Word. But for my master’s level students I needed something that interacted with other scholars and yet was practical and helpful. About this time I heard of the concept of the so-called “flipped course” where students are given all the content of the course to be studied on their own time and class times are not lectures but are devoted to activities and interaction that drive the truths home. Having read of Dr. David Pace’s work on learning bottlenecks, I recast the course as an exercise in how to get out of the way and let the Word of God get through the bottlenecks that too often constrict its flow to God’s people. That strategy required that I write the material in complete enough form that students could use it as part of this course. The basic writing happened in 2013 when I had a sabbatical and I have been refining and clarifying it since then. Trinity now has a digital distance course base on it which is the precise equivalent of the course I teach in Deerfield, so those are the ultimate field test of how clear Let the Earth Hear His Voice is!


  • Question #3 – What book are you reading now?

I am reading Christopher Ash’s commentary on Job in the Preaching the Word series. I do not normally read commentaries from start to finish as a book but everything Ash writes is excellent and this volume is no exception.


  • Question #4 – Do you have a favorite author? Who is it and why?

I would not list a favorite, but as someone who appreciates both content and clarity, I greatly value the writing of J.I. Packer. His Concise Theology is so clear and succinct that for several years when our sons were still at home, we read a chapter each day at the breakfast table as an introduction to theology for our boys.


  • Question #5 – Do you have a favorite movie? What is it and why?

I enjoy “What About Bob?” because it wonderfully and hilariously exalts the humble and deflates the proud. If I begin to think too highly of my own writing, it helps to remember the scene where the psychiatrist in his office muses about which self-help book to recommend, only to turn to a shelf stocked only with multiple copies of his own book.


  • Question #6 – Do you have a favorite quote? What is it and why?

In some respects, I could be considered the homiletical grandson of Charles Simeon the Cambridge preacher who ministered in the same church for 54 years late in the 18th and early 19th century. He greatly influenced John Stott who was my homiletical and pastoral mentor. He wrote the following to affirm his commitment to Scripture as opposed to any theological system:

“Perhaps you little thought in what you said against the golden mean, that you would carry me along with you. But I go even far beyond you, for to you I can say in words what these thirty years I have proclaimed in deeds, that the truth is not in the middle, and not in the extreme, but in both extremes.” “Here are two other extremes, Calvinism and Arminianism . . ‘How do you move in reference to these, Paul? In a golden mean?’ ‘No.’ – ‘to one extreme?’ ‘No.’ –‘How then?’ ‘To both extremes; today I am a strong Calvinist, tomorrow a strong Arminian.’ –‘Well, well, Paul, I see thou art beside thyself; go to Aristotle, and learn the golden mean.’ “But I am unfortunate; I formerly read Aristotle, and liked him much; I have since read Paul, and caught somewhat of his strange notions, oscillating (not vacillating) from pole to pole. Sometimes I am a high Calvinist, at other times a low Arminian, so that if extremes will please you, I am your man; only remember, it is not one extreme that we are to go to, but both extremes.”


  • Question # 7 – What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

I don’t think of myself as a writer, so I would not presume to offer advice, but I did seek wisdom from those who are good writers. When I was a young associate pastor at Knox Church Toronto, I had the privilege of transporting speakers to and from the airport and enjoyed asking those who were writers this very question. Packer said, “Packer is the name, packer is the game. I aim for clarity, order economy.” Those three words stuck with me. Leon Morris said, “If I have five minutes, I use them.” Perhaps that is why he was so prolific.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?