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Christianity & World Religions by Derek Cooper

Christianity & World Religions: An Introduction to the World’s Major Faiths

PRICE $19.99 PAGES 240 ISBN 9781596384460 BINDING Paperback

“Derek Cooper here supplies abundant information on the worldview of five major religions, and adds wise suggestions for interacting with their adherents. Ideal for classroom or small group study, the book is both very learned and yet also accessible to the non-expert.”

—William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia




Take a look inside!

Examines the rival worldviews to Christianity found in Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, Judaism, and Islam. Cooper engages these worldviews from a Christian perspective, using examples from the Bible and the views of key Christian thinkers.

Ideal for Christian High Schools, Colleges, Seminaries, Homeschoolers, and Sunday School classes.

Teachers vist our website for more resources including tests and quizzes!

Table of Contents

Sample Chapter



Derek Cooper (Ph.D., Lutheran Seminary, M.A., M.Div. Biblical Theological Seminary, Hatfield, PA) is Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Historical Theology at Biblical Seminary in Hatfield, PA, where he is also the Director of the LEAD Master of Divinity Program. He is the author of So You’re Thinking about Going to Seminary? and a volume editor in the forthcoming Reformation Commentary on Scripture.





Upcoming 2013 Titles

*Here is a list of upcoming titles to look out for this year!

What book are you most excited about?

  • Connected by Sam Allberry
  • Christianity & World Religions by Derek Cooper
  • Mark by the Book by Peter W. Smuts
  • Reclaiming Monergism by Matthew M. Barrett
  • Aliens in the Promised Land, Edited by Anthony Bradley
  • The Huddle by Shawn M. Brower
  • Extravagant Grace by Barbara Duguid
  • Housewife Theologian by Aimee Y. Byrd
  • Pure Joy by Christopher B. Ash
  • Bible Study, A Students Guide by Jon Nielson
  • Encountering God Together by David G. Peterson
  • A Big Enough Comfort by Starr Meade

Forthcoming Series Titles

NEW SERIES! Apologia:
  • Science and the Problem of Evil by William Edgar
  • Christianity and the Role of Philosophy by Scott K. Oliphint
  • Should You Believe in God? by Scott K. Oliphint
  • Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin? by Brandon D. Crowe
  • Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design by Guillermo Gonzalez
  • Interpreting Genesis 1 by Vern S. Poythress
Basics of the Faith:
  • What Happens After Death? by Richard D. Phillips
  • What Is Mercy Ministry? by Philip Graham Ryken
  • Am I Called? by George Robertson
  • Is Jesus In the Old Testament? by Iain M. Duguid



The Gospel According to the Old Testament:
  • Living in the Light of Inextinguishable Hope by Iain M. Duguid
Explorations In Biblical Theology:
  • Justification by Grace through Faith by Brian Vickers
The Gospel for Real Life:
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by Jeremy Lelek
  • Depression by Margaret Ashmore
  • Sexual Abuse by Robert W. Kellemen
  • Burnout by Brad C. Hambrick



Living Word Bible Studies:
  • Psalms, Volume 2 by Kathleen B. Nielson
The Dark Harvest Trilogy:
  • The Scarlet Bishop by Jeremiah W. Montgomery
Reformed Expository Commentary:
  • Philippians by Dennis E. Johnson
New from Sally Michael:
  • God’s Providence

*Titles are subject to change

Giveaway Winners!

Congratulations to our New Year Giveaway winners Timothy Harris, Dustin Crider, Chris Land, Kevin Fiske, and Karen Merry! They will each receive a free copy of Gospel Treason by Brad Bigney.

We want to give a big THANK YOU to all who participated! We plan on doing more so lookout for more opportunities to win!


P&R Publishing Co.

New Year Giveaway!

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Win 1 of 5 copies of Gospel Treason by Brad Bigney!

Contest ends January 8, 2013.

To enter:

  1. Comment BelowAll participants must leave a comment on this post to be considered.
  2. Tweet & ReTweet*—@prpbooks is giving away 5 copies of Gospel Treason http://prpbooks.com/blog/?p=1717
  3. Share on Facebook*—P&R Publishing is giving away 5 copies of Gospel Treason http://prpbooks.com/blog/?p=1717

Terms & Conditions*:

  • One (1) entry for each social media share.
  • There is a max­i­mum of 10 entries per con­tes­tant.
  • Limit one (1) book per participant.
  • Free Domestic Shipping only.

Any questions can be directed to kim@prpbooks.com

*Please make sure you tag P&R Publishing in your tweet or post. If P&R is not tagged we cannot track it!


Top 30 Books of 2012!

According to top sales report.

1. Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands by Paul David Tripp

2. When People Are Big and God is Small by Edward T. Welch

3. Age of Opportunity by Paul David Tripp

4. War of Words by Paul David Tripp

5. God’s Names by Sally Michael

6. Addictions – A Banquet in the Grave by Edward T. Welch

7. Idols of the Heart by Elyse Fitzpatrick

8. Strengthening Your Marriage by Wayne A. Mack

9. Ministries of Mercy by Timothy J. Keller

10. Shepherd Leader by Timothy Z. Witmer

11. Gospel Treason by Brad Bigney

12. Doctrine of the Christian Life by John M. Frame

13. Giving Up Gimmicks by Brian H. Cosby

14. Genesis Flood – 50th Anniversary Ed. by John C. Whitcomb Jr. & Henry M. Morris

15. God’s Promises by Sally Michael

16. Training Hearts, Teaching Minds by Starr Meade

17. Seeing with New Eyes by David Powlison

18. Westminster Confession of Faith by G. I. Williamson

19. Westminster Shorter Catechism by G. I. Williamson

20. Gospel Powered Parenting by William P. Farley

21. Secret of Contentment by William B. Barcley

22. Enemy Within by Kris Lundgaard

23. Institutes of Biblical Law by Rousas J. Rushdoony

24. Doctrine of the Word of God by John M. Frame

25. Growing Up Christian by Karl Graustein

26. Uprooting Anger by Robert D. Jones

27. Truths We Confess (Three volume boxed set) by R. C. Sproul

28. Intimate Marriage by R. C. Sproul

29. Acts by Derek W. H. Thomas

30. Doctrine of God by John M. Frame