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Sally Michael is the cofounder and publishing consultant of Children Desiring God, and she developed their widely used Sunday school curriculum for young people. She is also an author and a speaker, and she served as minister for children at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for sixteen years.


1. God’s Names

120 pages | List Price: $16.99 | Making Him Known series | SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary — This is a full-color guide for parents to teach their early elementary children about God’s character, revealed in 24 names. Each chapter ends with a personal application and activities.

2. God’s Promise

128 pages | List Price: $16.99 | Making Him Known series| SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary — Parents can help their early elementary children trust in God’s promises revealed throughout the Bible with this full-color, illustrated guide that includes personal application and suggestions for activities.

3. God’s Providence

128 pages | List Price: $16.99 | Making Him Known series| SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary — In this full-color guide to how God’s providence works in the world, parents can stimulate a lively discussion with early elementary children about resting in God’s sovereign care. Each chapter includes personal application and activities.

4. God’s Wisdom

128 pages | List Price: $16.99 | Making Him Known series| SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary — Sally Michael helps parents and children discover the joys of wisdom and discern the destruction of foolishness in this full-color, illustrated book that includes application questions and activity suggestions.

5. God’s Battle

128 pages | List Price: $16.99 | Making Him Known series| SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary — A full-color “battle plan” for parents to equip young children for the fight of faith. Sally Michael encourages children to be fighters with a battle strategy straight from Scripture.

6. God’s Word

128 pages | List Price: $16.99 | Making Him Known series| SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary — This full-color illustrated primer helps parents teach children what the Bible is, what it says, and why we can trust God’s true, powerful Word. Chapters include discussion questions/activities.

7. God’s Design — coauthored with Gary Steward

120 pages | List Price: $16.99 | Making Him Known series| SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary — This full-color guide explains God’s design for men and women and helps parents teach their children about pursuing godly manhood and womanhood. Each chapter includes application questions and activities.

8. Jesus Is Most Special

24 pages | List Price: $9.99 | Hardcover| SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary — This full-color illustrated book makes the Christmas story and its biblical context easy for children to understand and remember, and it encourages them to tell the story to others.


NEW RELEASE — God’s Mysterious Ways by Jane Roach

God’s Mysterious Ways: Embracing God’s Providence in Esther, A Ten-Lesson Bible Study by Jane Roach

256 pages | List Price: $12.99 | Paperback


God sustains and reigns over all his created order. Everything that happens occurs because God wills it according to his purposes, plan, way, and time, and he sometimes calls ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary tasks. The book of Esther gives us a fascinating historical narrative of God’s providential activity amongst a failed attempt to annihilate exiled Jews in the Persian Empire. Jane Roach uses insightful commentary, application questions, testimonies, and hymns to walk readers through the compelling story, introduce characters, and identify God’s providence. As you study the book of Esther, you will be prepared to see God’s hand in your own circumstances, to lean on him with wholehearted trust and worship, and to experience a new life of gratitude, peace, and joy.


“God’s sovereignty and providential care over all things is one of the most important and foundational doctrines of our faith. . . .  is theologically rich study takes us through the pages of God’s Word to see that all God’s purposes come to pass.”

Christina Fox, Author, A Heart Set Free

“Jane Roach’s insightful study-and-discussion questions and clear exposition blend serious engagement with the scriptural text with a focus on Christ, our true Rescuer. . . . It will move you to worship the Lord in awe at all times and to rest in his sovereign wisdom and love in times of trial.”

Dennis E. Johnson, Author, Walking with Jesus through His Word

“This resource will be a tremendous aid to personal worship and devotional study, as well as for small group discussions. Discover God’s providence in Esther and you will learn to see God’s presence in your own life.”

Richard D. Phillips, Senior Minister, Second Presbyterian Church, Greenville

About the Author

Jane Roach was Director of Training for Bible Study Fellowship for more than twenty-five years. She currently teaches two Bible studies, is part of the steering committee for the Texas Hill Country Bible Conference, and assists with women’s ministries at her church.


BOOK HIGHLIGHT — War of Words by Paul David Tripp

War of Words: Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles by Paul David Tripp

256 pages | List Price: $14.99 | Paperback


“Talk” seems so normal, so ordinary, so harmless. Yet there are few things we do that are more important. And underneath the normality of it all is a great struggle, a war of words that we fight every day.

Who hasn’t been hurt by the words of another? Who hasn’t regretted something they said? Who hasn’t had to referee an argument? Who hasn’t wanted to talk seriously with a loved one, yet there seems to be no time?

Recognizing that words are powerful, Paul Tripp shows us how the gospel transforms the way we communicate. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word is the only hope for our words. In our war of words, he is the one who gives us the victory. Tripp directs us to a renewed reliance on our heavenly Father’s abundant grace and a more Christ-honoring, people-benefiting life of talk.


“An important and biblical book about our words and our God. Few of us really think about the power, the blessing, the gift, the effect, and the danger of our words. This book will make you think before you speak. Best of all, it will make you think of him before you speak. Read it. You’ll be glad.”

—Steve Brown

“Filled with searching and realistic and honest illustrations . . . coupled with large doses of biblical truth. . . . you will be challenged, convicted, enlightened, and encouraged in this extremely important dimension of your relationship with God and with other people. . . . a volume to which you will turn again and again.”

—Wayne A. Mack

“Paul Tripp does not offer superficial solutions to our failures of communication. He recognizes that the spiritual quality of our words emanates from our hearts. This book is must reading for us all.”

—Tremper Longman III

“If your mouth is your downfall, don’t pass over this book for fear of getting your knuckles rapped. Author Paul Tripp has blown it too! But he’s learning how to change by God’s grace, and he’s sharing that grace with anyone who will listen.”

—Steve Estes

“Until our hearts are completely purified by God in heaven, we must set strong guards at the gates of our mouths and fight daily battles to restrain the overflow of our sinful desires. I have never before read such helpful insights and practical tools for this battle. I enthusiastically recommend War of Words.”

—Ken Sande

About the Author

Paul David Tripp is president of Paul Tripp Ministries, a nonprofit organization whose mission statement is “Connecting the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life.” This mission leads Paul to weekly speaking engagements around the world. Paul is also the Professor of Pastoral Life and Care at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas, Texas, and the Executive Director of the Center for Pastoral Life and Care in Fort Worth, Texas, and has taught at respected institutions worldwide. As an author, Paul has written ten books on Christian living that are read and distributed internationally. He has been married for many years to Luella, and they have four grown children. For speaking engagements and other information see http://www.paultripp.com.


AUTHOR HIGHLIGHT — Jeremiah W. Montgomery

Jeremiah W. Montgomery is the pastor of Resurrection Presbyterian Church (OPC) in State College, Pennsylvania. He has been an engineer, an essayist, and a pipemaker. He and his wife have four sons who love to read and a little girl who cannot wait to begin. He is the author of the The Dark Harvest Trilogy.

 1. The Dark Faith

368 pages | Direct Price: $14.99 $9.00 | Paperback | Sample Chapter

Summary — An epic struggle against evil commences as Morumus, a devout monk, seeks to unearth the truth of the Dark Faith. But while he seeks a weapon against it, dark currents drag him toward a dangerous conspiracy . . .

2. The Scarlet Bishop

304 pages | Direct Price: $14.99 $9.00 | Paperback | Sample Chapter

Summary — War looms as Morumus and Oethur, narrowly escaping the Red Order, seek Urien’s help to decipher the secret of the ancient Bone Codex. All the while the Dark Faith’s shadow continues to spread . . .

3. The Threefold Cord

320 pages | Direct Price: $14.99 $9.00 | Paperback | Sample Chapter

Summary — The Dark Faith ignites war throughout Aeld Gowan as Morumus embarks on a secret mission, Oethur risks everything for queen and crown, and Urien is captured by the Scarlet Bishop.

The Dark Harvest Trilogy

Direct Price: $41.99 $21.00

Who’s in Charge? What Esther Teaches Us about God’s Providence

Written by Jane Roach, (God’s Mysterious Ways)

Who is in charge?

This is the fundamental question that the Serpent posed to Eve and to every person since Eden. This question is in the forefront of our minds even when we are young. When one of my grandsons was three years old, his mother left him in my care at my home. As she was driving away, he put his hands on his hips, pulled back his shoulders, looked at me, and asked with an authoritative tone, “Well, who’s in charge here?”

After I got over the shock, I got down to his level and looked him in the eye, replying, “You are not.” He literally shook with surprise. We had a lovely conversation with him sitting on my lap as I explained that he was our guest and we were responsible for his care when he was with us. He was satisfied, and we had a wonderful time together.

People ask this question in many different ways:

Is there a God?

If so, what is he like? How does he relate to the world and to people today?

Is there objective truth? Are there objective standards? Does God have a Son?

How many ways are there to salvation?

Is God a person or a force? What does it mean to be nice to other people?

Who are the Jews, and why is their history filled with efforts to eliminate them?

What part does God play in evil? Where is our world headed?

What can we do to change the direction? Who decides the answers to these questions?

I have encountered people who answer these questions without a frame of reference outside themselves. They sincerely believe mutually exclusive statements at the same time and see no contradiction.

The need to know God as he has revealed himself in the Bible prompted me to teach a women’s Bible study of the book of Esther, emphasizing the providence of God. It was delightful to encounter the class members in the community and hear them talking about God’s providence, a topic previously not part of their conversations.

God is not mentioned in the book of Esther, yet it has many hints of his presence. The compelling narrative presents God as the all-powerful one who sovereignly directs history according to his predetermined plan. Esther provides answers for how the Old and New Testaments are related through the Bible’s big story of redemption. It has a message of hope for God’s people. While the world attempts to change the decrees of God the Creator, they will not succeed. God, not political leaders, will have the final say in what is right and wrong. God providentially watches over his people, and nothing and no one will ultimately prevail against them. In fact, those who attempt to destroy God’s people find themselves fighting against God.

“Who is God, and how does he relate to the world and people today?” are questions answered in the book of Esther. The values of the Persian Empire look very much like those of our own day. Even in the professing church, people are often more concerned with what they have or do or appear to be than with who they are. The spectacular gets our attention rather than the ordinary providence of God at work in our lives. Pop culture and the news celebrate those who assert their independence from God rather than the faithful who trust God day after day, in success and failure, sickness and health, joy and sorrow. When it seems God is nowhere to be seen, he is at work. God is already where we will be tomorrow. He is working out his divine plan for his glory and our eternal good. We need no “plan B”; God’s perfect plan is being accomplished. The book of Esther invites you to take God at his Word in the mysterious fulfillment of all his promises. Its message is needed in the world today.

Esther is a book named for a woman, but it is part of God’s revelation for all—men, women, and children. God reveals his providence that we may understand it and embrace it for our lives. To embrace means to cherish and hold dear. May you see and embrace God’s providence in your personal life, your family, your church, your nation, and the world through taking a step back in time into the historical narrative of Esther.

Are you ready to begin or dive deeper into the book of Esther? To get you started, we’ve put together a free guide from Jane Roach on the book’s first chapter. Jane will walk you through the passage, showing how God uses the sinful actions of men and women to set the stage for his ultimate plan. Study questions are provided to help you to apply the text in your life.
