Paul Tripp is president of Paul Tripp Ministries (, the Professor of Pastoral Life and Care at Redeemer Seminary in Dallas, Texas, the Executive Director of the Center for Pastoral Life and Care in Fort Worth, Texas, and has taught at respected institutions worldwide. As an author, Paul has written ten books on Christian living that are read and distributed internationally. He has been married for many years to Luella, and they have four grown children. He is the author of 6 P&R titles and the contributor of two.


1. Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change

376 pages | Direct Price: $16.99 $13.00 | Paperback | Resources for Changing Lives

Summary—We might be relieved if God placed our sanctification only in the hands of trained professionals, but that is not his plan. Instead, through the ministry of every part of the body, the whole church will mature in Christ.

Paul David Tripp helps us discover where change is needed in our own lives and the lives of others. Following the example of Jesus, Tripp reveals how to get to know people, and how to lovingly speak truth to them.

2. Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens

296 pages | Direct Price: $14.99 $11.50 | Paperback | Resources for Changing Lives

Summary—The argument over the last donut. The cry of nothing to wear a half hour before school. The “I’m the only one whose parents make them…”

Teenage hassles that disrupt parents’ lives? Or prime opportunities to connect with, listen to, and nurture our kids?

Paul Tripp uncovers the heart issues affecting parents and their teenagers during the often chaotic adolescent years. With wit, wisdom, humility, and compassion, he shows parents how to seize the countless opportunities to deepen communication, learn, and grow with their teenagers.

3. War of Words: Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles

256 pages | Direct Price: $14.99 $11.50 | Paperback | Resources for Changing Lives

Summary—”Talk” seems so normal, so ordinary, so harmless. Yet there are few things we do that are more important. And underneath the normality of it all is a great struggle, a war of words that we fight every day.

Who hasn’t been hurt by the words of another? Who hasn’t regretted something they said? Who hasn’t had to referee an argument? Who hasn’t wanted to talk seriously with a loved one, yet there seems to be no time?

Recognizing that words are powerful, Paul Tripp shows us how the gospel transforms the way we communicate. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word is the only hope for our words. In our war of words, he is the one who gives us the victory. Tripp directs us to a renewed reliance on our heavenly Father’s abundant grace and a more Christ-honoring, people-benefiting life of talk.


4. Marriage: Whose Dream?

32 pages | Direct Price: $3.99 $3.00 | Booklet | Resources for Changing Lives

Summary—The ultimate spouse. The dream marriage.

Where do they fall on your wish list? If your marriage seems less than ideal, is your patience with God wearing thin?

It’s possible to get caught up in our own dreams and expect God to deliver on our terms. But what if God’s dream for your marriage differs from yours? What if his plan is to sanctify you through the struggles of a challenging relationship? If your dream for the ideal marriage were to crumble, would your hope and joy crumble with it?

They don’t have to. In this eye-opening booklet, Paul David Tripp shows how refocusing your dreams on God-centered priorities can invigorate both you and your marriage.

5. Teens and Sex: How Should We Teach Them?

32 pages | Direct Price: $3.99 $3.00 | Booklet | Resources for Changing Lives

Summary—Distorted images of sex bombard our children from every angle. Where can they find a healthy view of their sexuality? How can parents and youth leaders teach kids the life-transforming truths that expose the counterfeits for what they are?

Paul David Tripp unearths the premises that underlie popular views of sex and notes several characteristics that make teenagers especially vulnerable to sexual temptation. In addition to showing how sex relates to our worship, our identity, our hearts, and our need for grace, Tripp offers a threefold plan for helping teens deal with sex realistically and in the hope of the gospel.

6. Suffering: Eternity Makes a Difference

40 pages | Direct Price: $3.99 $3.00 | Booklet | Resources for Changing Lives

Summary—How hard it is to see God’s goodness in the face of tragedy and suffering! Feeling abandoned, we cry out to him, question him, turn away from him, perhaps even curse him. It may seem like he’s cheated us—we’ve done our part following him, but he’s let us down.

Paul David Tripp helps hurting people see their circumstances from an eternal perspective. Gently uncovering the wrong motives, faulty reasoning, and misguided conclusions that can blind us to the truth of God’s love and goodness, Tripp focuses us on the grand picture of eternity. His compassionate approach and scriptural advice will help bring strength and hope to grieving souls.


7. These Last Days: A Christian View of History – Contributor

208 pages | Direct Price: $13.99 $10.50 | Paperback | SAMPLE CHAPTER | Best of Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology (PCRT)

Summary—This is a book about an evil age.

Specifically, it is about “the present evil age” that we live in right now. For many Christians, the expression “these last days” refers to the time right before the second coming of Christ—but according to the apostles, the last days started with the first coming of Christ and continue even today.

How do we biblically understand our time as the final age of world history? What does this mean for our faith?

Reformed Christians have often avoided the field of eschatology—but it was this doctrine of history that thrilled the first disciples. They realized that with the coming of the “last days” they had entered the time of the kingdom, and this understanding will strengthen our faith too.

Here the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology addresses this important topic and presents the following speakers’ insights on:

  • Sinclair Ferguson—The Christ of History
  • D. A. Carson—This Present Evil Age
  • Alistair Begg—The Age of the Spirit
  • Michael S. Horton—The Resurrection Hope
  • J. Ligon Duncan III—The Eternal Glory
  • D. A. Carson—Partakers of the Age to Come
  • Cornelis P. Venema—The Four Main Millennial Views
  • Richard D. Phillips—A Pastoral Guide to Life After Death
  • Jeffrey K. Jue—Evangelical Eschatology, American Style
  • Paul David Tripp—The Radical Implications of Eternity

Together some of the most gifted communicators of God’s Word explain the Christian’s view on life, death, and the hereafter.

8. The Problem of Good: When the World Seems Fine without God – Contributor

192 pages | Direct Price: $14.99 $11.50 | Paperback | SAMPLE CHAPTER

Summary—The problem of evil is one we’re all familiar with . . . but what about the problem of good?

If Christianity is true, why do many people seem to live moral, fulfilling lives outside the gospel? Do such moral non-Christians really need the gospel, or will their good deeds save them? Is the traditional view of hell really justified? And if it is, how do we evangelize people who seem more upright than we are? Can we legitimately benefit from their contributions to culture and society?

Many of the answers to these questions lie in the doctrine of common grace. Here authors from a variety of backgrounds tackle these questions and others by exploring God’s common grace and its daily implications.

Includes discussion questions.