Where in the World Is the Church? A Christian View of Culture and Your Role in It by Michael S. Horton

216 pages | Direct Price: $16.99 $13.00 | Paperback | Published: 2002

Summary: Have Christians misunderstood what it means to be in the world but not of it? Has the church, in a sense, neglected the world to the detriment of all? Michael S. Horton has written Where in the World is the Church? for “those Christians who struggle with a subculture that stifles rather than encourages their divinely given impulses and ambitions.” He does so “with the hope that theologians will learn more about other disciplines and that Christians in those other disciplines will anchor themselves more firmly in biblical theology before they attempt to ‘integrate’ their faith and life.”

About the Author:

Michael S. Horton (PhD, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and the University of Coventry) teaches apologetics and historical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in California. He is the author of nine books and the editor of four.

What Others Say About this Book:

“A terrific book to give college students and anyone else wondering about occupational calling. Michael Horton lucidly shows how working hard and well in academia, the arts, science, and other areas of endeavor is full-time Christian service.”

– Marvin Olasky


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