Our next author interview is with Richard P. Belcher Jr. He is the author of Prophet, Priest, and King: The Roles of Christ in the Bible and Our Roles Today.


  • Question #1—Tell us a little bit about yourself: where you’re from, family, job, personal interests, unique hobbies, what you do in your spare time, etc.

I grew up the son of a Southern Baptist pastor outside of East St. Louis, IL. My father had a conversion to Calvinism when I was old enough to understand what was going on. I became interested in Covenant College because of the biblical world and life perspective. I pastored a non-denominational, urban, inter-racial church in downtown Rochester, NY for 10 years. My wife and I have three daughters. Two of them are married to PCA pastors and the third works for a PCA church. I have been teaching OT at RTS Charlotte since 1995 at which time I transferred into the PCA. I have been Academic Dean since 2013. I enjoy reading mystery novels when I am not reading works in the OT and theology.


  • Question #2—When did you first want to write a book?

This question is hard to answer. I pastored for ten years before getting my PhD and when I started teaching at RTS Charlotte, I was trying to develop courses and finish the dissertation. I was not thinking a lot about writing when one day a representative from a publisher stopped by my office and asked if I was interested in writing a book on the messiah and the Psalms. I agreed and since then I have written four books and one more will be published next year (2017).


  • Question #3—What inspired you to write this book, about this topic?

I became interested in the topic of prophet, priest, and king when working on a book concerning the messiah in the Psalms. I explored to some degree how the messiah fulfills these roles, especially the priestly role in his confession of sin on the behalf of his people. This book for P&R takes a much broader approach to these roles as they are defined in the OT, how Christ fulfills them, and what they mean for God’s people today.


  • Question #4—Favorite sport to watch? Why? Favorite sport’s team?

I grew up a Cardinal baseball fan and have remained one to this day.


  • Question #5—Favorite flavor of ice cream?  

Mint Chocolate Chip