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God with Us

Exploring God's Personal Interactions with His People throughout the Bible

Direct Price: $14.99 $11.50
Format: Paperback, eBook
Availability: In stock
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9781596381186
Publication Date 11/28/14

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The humility of God is a mind-boggling concept. The self-sufficient, transcendent Holy One . . . does he really come down to the level of those he has created?

Yet this is not only true, but a major biblical theme—God’s way of relating to his creatures is by condescending to come to where they are. The ultimate example is Christ’s incarnation—but this is not the only time God has humbled himself for his creation, either before or afterward.

Glenn Kreider explores the whole Bible to show us the full scope of God’s active involvement in his creation from the very beginning. This better understanding of God’s humility will affect our own humility and our attitude toward serving those around us.


This is not a book that shrinks the greatness of the God of Scripture, that cuts him down to our size. On the contrary, it recounts how the biblical story shows this great and awesome God humbling himself again and again to rescue the likes of us! I pray the Lord will use it to promote a passion for generous humility.”

—Robert A. Peterson, Professor of Systematic Theology, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri

“Surprising to some, shocking to others, unappealing to the proud, missed by the mighty, but challenging to the disciple and so very comforting to the weak and destitute—God humbles himself for our sake. Read this book. Meditate upon its biblical teaching. See God. Be changed, comforted, and challenged.”

D. Jeffrey Bingham, Associate Dean of Biblical and Theological Studies, Professor of Theology, Wheaton College


The Author

Glenn R. Kreider

Glenn R. Kreider

Glenn R. Kreider (ThM, PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is professor of theological studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. Previously he served a church in Cedar Hill, Texas, as pastor and as director of the Christian Education program.