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Reformed Traditions

Analysis of the Institutes of the Christian Religion of John Calvin

Calvin's Institutes is one of the most important theological works of the last millennium, but even seminarians and pastors have difficulty finishing it. Battles was experienced in guidin...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875521824
Direct Price $27.99 $21.00

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Calvin and Culture Exploring a Worldview

No other Christian teachings in the past five hundred years have affected our Western culture as deeply as the worldview of John Calvin. It extends far beyond the theological disciplines ...

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ISBN 9781596380981
Direct Price $19.99 $15.00

Charles Hodge The Pride of Princeton

Charles Hodge (1797–1878) is regarded by many as the most significant American theologian of the nineteenth century. He drove forward the rapid growth of theological education and c...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9780875526584
Direct Price $19.99 $5.00

Cheer Up! The Life and Ministry of Jack Miller

Through the New Life movement, pastor and author Jack Miller became the pioneering captain of an expansive network of gospel-centered, Reformed leaders who taught in seminaries, planted n...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629957210
Direct Price $24.99 $18.50

Cornelius Van Til An Analysis of His Thought

The insights of Cornelius Van Til have generated intense discussion among friends and foes alike. Until now nearly everything written about Van Til has come from either uncritical followe...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9780875522456
Direct Price $39.99 $30.00

Cornelius Van Til Reformed Apologist and Churchman

Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987), who taught apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary for more than forty years, has—through his teaching and writings—called two gen...

Format Hardcover
ISBN 9780875526652
Direct Price $24.99 $6.50

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David Hume

David Hume (1711–1776) Through his pursuit of a naturalistic grounding for morality and his forceful critique of supernaturalism, Scottish philosopher David Hume significantly unde...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629952796
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

Defending the Faith J. Gresham Machen and the Crisis of Conservative Protestantism in Modern America

A study of Machen’s thought and career that says much about the issues that unsettled mainstream Protestantism’s hold on American intellectual and cultural life.  Endorse...

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ISBN 9780875525631
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Dictionary of the Presbyterian & Reformed Tradition in America

A concise and informative guide to one of the most significant streams of Protestant Christianity in America. More than 375 entries cover the ideas, events, people, movements, practices, ...

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ISBN 9781596380219
Direct Price $16.99 $13.00

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Early Reformation Covenant Theology English Reception of Swiss Reformed Thought, 1520–1555

Robert Wainwright demonstrates the importance of covenant theology in the early years of the Reformation when Huldrych Zwingli, Heinrich Bullinger, and John Calvin recast late medieval co...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9781629957005
Availability: 4 in stock
Direct Price $59.99 $45.00

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