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Counseling » Counseling Booklets

Abuse Finding Hope in Christ

None of us can escape the brokenness of our world. We are sinful, hurting people surrounded by sinful, hurting people in a universe groaning under the curse of sin. The reality of physica...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9781596384170
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

El abuso doméstico Ayuda para las víctimas

¿Qué caracteriza tu matrimonio? El matrimonio es un lugar para entregarse de manera sacrificial, por lo que un cónyuge que lo usa para obtener poder y control est&aac...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9798887790961
Direct Price $4.99 $3.99

El abuso doméstico Reconoce, responde, rescata

¿Qué esperanza hay cuando el matrimonio de un ser querido es abusivo? Un cónyuge que busca controlar y dominar al otro es un problema frecuente, e incluso los matrimo...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9798887790985
Direct Price $4.99 $3.99

ADD Wandering Minds and Wired Bodies

Easy distractibility or forgetfulness. Mouths, arms, hands, and legs that run ahead of thinking. Impulsive decisions, chronic difficulties meeting deadlines, mistaken notions of one&rsquo...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9780875526768
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Anger Escaping the Maze

Anger. We all experience it, some more than others. When is it righteous, and when is it not? How can we control our anger and not get caught in a maze of rage when things don't go our wa...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875526812
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Angry at God Bring Him Your Doubts and Questions

How could God allow this to happen to me? I'm angry with him, but I don't know if I'm "supposed" to be angry! Is it ok to be angry with God? If we are angry, should we hold it inside, or ...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9780875526911
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Anxiety Anatomy and Cure

Worry, doubt, and fear get the best of us all sometimes, and often there is no way to get rid of them. Anxiety, like any other negative emotion, is a twisted version of something positive...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9781596384187
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

Bad Memories Getting Past your Past

Do memories of your past haunt you? Is there help for people who suffer because of their own past? Most people who suffer from bad memories want them to disappear. Some want to deny the p...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875526614
Direct Price $5.99 $4.50

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Bitterness The Root That Pollutes

When people treat you wrongly, insult you, or are outright sinful to you, how do you react? Are you satisfied to hold grudges against those who wrong you, as long as they don't lead to ac...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9781596381308
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50

Borderline Personality A Scriptural Perspective

Frantic efforts to avoid unpleasant feelings. Perceived abandonment. Profound depression or extreme rage. These symptoms control sufferers of borderline personality disorder, as their int...

Format Booklet, eBook
ISBN 9781596384224
Direct Price $6.99 $5.50