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The Message of Acts in the History of Redemption

Direct Price: $27.99 $20.99
Format: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 264
ISBN: 9780875522357
Publication Date 01/01/97

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The book of Acts is part of an unfolding drama, featuring the saving acts of God on the stage of history. There we see how the monumental redemptive events, actors, and anticipations of ancient times find their fulfillment in the Redeemer himself.

Dennis E. Johnson examines the major themes of Acts and their roles in the history of redemption. Those themes link Old Testament and New, promise and fulfillment, Jew and Gentile, God’s people of old and the church today.

Though not a commentary, this study will enrich readers’ understanding and appreciation not only of Acts but also of the whole Bible. Johnson underscores “the intricate connections by which God’s word manifests its splendid unity and variety, always pointing us to the Lord Jesus.” We learn also of the character of early evangelism, the flavor of believers’ life together, and the expansion of the church across ethnic, cultural, and geographic boundaries—salvation to the ends of the earth.

Written for students, pastors, Bible teachers, and thoughtful laypeople, this book features

  • attention to both broad themes and careful exegesis of specific passages,
  • biblical-theological connections between the Old Testament and Acts,
  • Old Testament interpretive light on motifs reappearing in Acts,
  • connections between Jesus’ word and works in Luke and in Acts,
  • awareness of Luke’s own historical, theological, and pastoral aims,
  • connections between events within Acts, and their importance for the gospel message,
  • parallels between the Greco-Roman scene and modern-day pluralism.

What was previewed in glimpses by the prophets, now blazes in the glorious face of God’s Son. Johnson shows us how in this enlightening yet down-to-earth study.


“Johnson’s elegantly written book on the themes of Acts . . . keeps the big picture always in view, yet unfailingly and perceptively speaks to interpretive and pastoral difficulties. I am exceedingly glad this book is finally available.”

—Reggie M. Kidd, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando campus

The Author

Dennis E. Johnson

Dennis E. Johnson

Dennis E. Johnson (ThM, Westminster Theological Seminary; PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) taught New Testament and practical theology at Westminster Seminary California for more than thirty-five years. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America, the author of Him We Proclaim and of commentaries on Acts, Philippians, Hebrews, and Revelation (Triumph of the Lamb), and a contributor to several study Bibles and other books. He and his wife, Jane, live in Dayton, Tennessee.