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Praying Together for True Revival

Direct Price: $12.99 $10.00
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9780875526249
Publication Date 04/01/04

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Extraordinary times call for extraordinary prayer. Conditions in the church and society today add urgency to Jonathan Edwards’s appeal to Christians to unite in prayer “for those great effusions of the Holy Spirit” which advance God’s kingdom.

This book makes accessible Edwards’s classic treatise on corporate prayer, An Humble Attempt. . . . T. M. Moore has divided the work into thirteen chapters, added introductory remarks and subheadings, and concluded each chapter with questions that promote understanding and spur us to prayer.


“The little book you now hold in your hands has done more to spark prayer for true revival than any other book in human history, besides the Holy Scriptures.?. . . The content is rich, moving, and hopeful. . . . It is not accidental . . . that worldwide movements of prayer for awakening have been birthed and nurtured by this marvelous book.”

—John H. Armstrong, from the introduction

“A book that should be read by every Christian who is concerned about the state of the church in America in the twenty-first century. If you are a pastor, you will especially find this work to be of profound importance. . . . unadulterated high- octane spiritual fuel designed for a season of uncommon and serious prayer. . . . the ‘classic’ on the relationship between prayer and true revival.”

—Erwin W. Lutzer, from the foreword


The Author

Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) served the Northampton Congregational Church in Massachusetts for twenty-three years, then missionary outpost to the Mohawk and Mohican tribes. In 1758, he became president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), only to die a few months later due to an adverse reaction to a vaccination.