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The New Man

Becoming a Man After God's Heart

Direct Price: $29.99 $22.50
Format: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 280
ISBN: 9781596389519
Publication Date 04/16/15

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Dan Doriani understands that men don’t need more lists to excel as husbands, fathers, or leaders. The new man in Christ is shaped by knowing God through his Word, because the way of a godly man is the way of his God. 

With a focus on honing character rather than following techniques, Doriani helps you to reflect God’s character in marriage, friendships, wealth, work, fitness, play, and more. You won’t find checklists for self-improvement (or three ways to grill a steak), but you will find clarity, honesty, encouragement—and freedom in the Man who is not just our example but ultimately our Savior.

This is a revised and expanded edition of The Life of a God-Made Man (Crossway, 2001).


“Dan is a proven thinker and leader. . . . He has somewhat miraculously managed to peel away the popular, overly-sensitive-to-public-opinion reinterpretation of what it means to be a man, while at the same time remained sensitive to the cultural moment in which believers must actually live out their faith. No small feat!”

—Patrick Morley, Founder of Man in the Mirror

“Dan Doriani’s book will be a feast for your heart and life to your soul. It will bring you purpose and meaning and offer a freedom that can be experienced and realized only with a heart poised toward God. The New Man will equip men to lead courageously and to leave a godly legacy for generations to come!”

—Shawn Brower, Author of We Became Men and The Huddle 


The Author

Daniel M. Doriani

Daniel M. Doriani

Daniel M. Doriani (MDiv, PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary; STM, Yale Divinity School; Research Fellow, Yale University) is professor of theology and vice president at Covenant Theological Seminary. He is the founder and president of The Center for Faith and Work, St. Louis; a member of the Council of The Gospel Coalition; and a regular blogger. He was also a lead pastor for fifteen years.