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Authors » Brandon D. Crowe

Brandon D. Crowe (MDiv, Reformed Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Edinburgh) is associate professor of New Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary and Book Review Editor for the Westminster Theological Journal.

<a href="/authors">Authors</a> » Brandon D. Crowe

Was Jesus Really Born of a Virgin?

Why do Christians hold so strongly to Christ’s virgin birth as a significant doctrine? Can it be discarded from its key position in our faith? Crowe looks at seven objections to the...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9781596386808
Availability: 52 in stock
Direct Price $6.99 $1.10

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The Message of the General Epistles in the History of Redemption Wisdom from James, Peter, John, and Jude

The New Testament books of James through Jude—the General or Catholic Epistles—can be overlooked due to their brevity and location at the end of the canon. They contribute muc...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629950518
Direct Price $16.99 $13.00

The Essential Trinity New Testament Foundations and Practical Relevance

The doctrine of the Trinity is foundational to Christian theology. A careful study of the whole counsel of God, rather than a selective reading of biblical texts, brings needed clarity. I...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629952987
Direct Price $24.99 $18.99