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Authors » Guillermo Gonzalez

Guillermo Gonzalez (BS, University of Arizona; PhD, University of Washington) is associate professor of Physics at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania.

<a href="/authors">Authors</a> » Guillermo Gonzalez

Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design

What are creationism, evolution, and intelligent design really about? Has materialism displaced God as the best explanation for our existence? Gonzalez and Richards serve up a guide for t...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9781596386839
Availability: 4 in stock
Direct Price $6.99 $1.10

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Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design

Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design

What are creationism, evolution, and intelligent design really about? Has materialism displaced God as the best explanation for our existence? Gonzalez and Richards serve up a guide for t...

Format Booklet
ISBN 9781596386839
Availability: Out of stock
Super Bargain Price $4.99 $1.00
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