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Grace to Stand Firm, Grace to Grow

Light from 1-2 Peter

Direct Price: $12.99 $10.00
Format: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 272
ISBN: 9780875526348
Publication Date 02/28/03

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How do we strengthen our witness for Christ? Peter's perspective on grace helped first-century Christians live out their high calling, even amid Satan’s attacks. In thirteen lessons, Carol Ruvolo teaches us how this perspective can do the same for twenty-first century Christians.

Part 1: Grace to Stand
Lesson 1: The Hope of Salvation
Lesson 2: The Joy of Divine Testing
Lesson 3: The Shift from Doctrine to Practice
Lesson 4: The Attractiveness of God’s People
Lesson 5: The Appeal of Free Submission (1)
Lesson 6: The Appeal of Free Submission (2)
Lesson 7: The Power of a Humble Witness
Lesson 8: The Cure for Short-Timer Syndrome
Lesson 9: The Team Concept of Humble Servants

Part 2: Grace to Grow
Lesson 10: The Key Weapon in the War on God’s Word
Lesson 11: The Reminder of Scripture’s Authority
Lesson 12: The Danger of Twisted Teaching
Lesson 13: The Certainty of God’s Promises

Light for Your Path is a refreshing, illuminating Bible study series for those eager to know God better and love him more. The series features:

  • careful handling of Scripture
  • emphasis on application
  • a blend of topical and biblical studies
  • solid Reformed teaching exercises for both young believers and those ready to dig deeper


"Exceptional . . . clear and inviting. Peter’s robust faith in the face of persecution shines through these pages. The exercises will help to shape the conscientious reader into the image of Christ."

—Kris Lundgaard

"Carol Ruvolo’s studies on 1–2 Peter may read easy, but they run deep. If you desire to raise your level of trust and commitment in Christ, you will find these studies to be theologically sound, powerful, and practical."

—Joni Eareckson Tada

"If you’re tired of cotton-candy Bible studies, this book will nourish your soul. Who says women can’t do or don’t love theology?"

—Elyse Fitzpatrick


The Author

Carol J. Ruvolo

Carol J. Ruvolo

Carol J. Ruvolo (MBA, University of New Mexico) has taken graduate-level courses at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and several courses from Ligonier Ministries of Canada’s School of Theology. Though a devoted churchgoer from childhood, she did not experience God’s saving grace until she was an adult. Soon after her conversion, she quit her job at a national defense laboratory and began devoting her time to raising her daughter and studying the Scriptures. She went on to become a Bible teacher and speaker.