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Turning on the Light

Discovering the Riches of God's Word

Direct Price: $14.99 $11.50
Format: Paperback
Pages: 120
ISBN: 9780875526263
Publication Date 03/01/98

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We love to receive letters from friends, but there is one letter that is the greatest treasure of all. It’s the letter from our Father—the one he wrote to tell us about his love for us, his plans for us, and his requirements for us.

Carol Ruvolo helps us to engage God’s Letter with our best effort, and that means “serious Bible study.” She shows us the:

  • Prerequisites: having an accurate view of the Letter and having an accurate view of ourselves
  • Techniques: accurately observing what the Letter says, responsibly interpreting what the Letter means, and meaningfully applying the Letter’s teachings to our lives
  • Goals: becoming conformed to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ, glorying our heavenly Father, and learning to do the work our Father prepared for us to do

Light for Your Path is a refreshing, illuminating Bible study series for those eager to know God better and love him more. The series features:

  • Careful handling of Scripture
  • Emphasis on application
  • A blend of topical and biblical studies
  • Solid Reformed teaching
  • Exercises for both young believers and those ready to dig deeper


“Excellent! . . . deeply God-centered, theologically profound, and very, very practical.”

—James M. Boice

“A strong equipping resource for Christians who are serious about Bible study. Anyone who completes this book will know how to study and apply Scripture effectively.”

—Sharon W. Betters

Turning on the Light is a refreshing approach to studying God’s Word. . . . The book will prove especially beneficial in group sessions. . . . It establishes an admirable format and model for the rest of the series.”

—D. James Kennedy

The Author

Carol J. Ruvolo

Carol J. Ruvolo

Carol J. Ruvolo (MBA, University of New Mexico) has taken graduate-level courses at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and several courses from Ligonier Ministries of Canada’s School of Theology. Though a devoted churchgoer from childhood, she did not experience God’s saving grace until she was an adult. Soon after her conversion, she quit her job at a national defense laboratory and began devoting her time to raising her daughter and studying the Scriptures. She went on to become a Bible teacher and speaker.