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The Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English

A precise, accurate rendering of the Westminster Shorter Catechism into modern English by a respected contemporary scholar.

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ISBN 9780875525488
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What about Evil? A Defense of God's Sovereign Glory

  Reconciling the existence of God and evil has been a long-standing conundrum in Christian theology, yet a philosophical approach—rather than a theological one—dominate...

Format Hardcover, eBook
ISBN 9781629955353
Direct Price $44.99 $33.99

What about Free Will? Reconciling Our Choices with God's Sovereignty

Christensen explains two views that acknowledge God’s sovereignty and its relation to human responsibility: compatibilism and libertarianism. Providing cogent, biblical answers, Chr...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629951867
Direct Price $22.99 $17.50

What Are Election and Predestination?

Election and predestination are the two most maligned points of Reformed theology, with much ink spilled and many sermons preached on these doctrines that many think make humans "robots" ...

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ISBN 9781596380455
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What Are Spiritual Gifts?

Spiritual gives, given by God, empower believers to serve others in both the church and the world. However, our own spiritual gifts today aren’t always easy to identify. What gifts ...

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ISBN 9781596382091
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What Do You Do When Anger Gets the Upper Hand? (Pack of 100 pamphlets)

(Pack of 100 pamphlets) Adams gives biblical direction for bringing anger under control. 

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ISBN 9780875520865
Direct Price $50.00 $37.50

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What Do You Do When Anger Gets the Upper Hand?

(Single pamphlet) Adams gives biblical direction for bringing anger under control. 

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ISBN 9780875520445
Price $0.50

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What Do You Do When Fear Overcomes You? (Pack of 100 pamphlets)

(Pack of 100 pamphlets) Adams contrasts love and fear while teaching how to restructure thought patterns in order to serve God and others with love.

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ISBN 9780875520889
Direct Price $50.00 $37.50

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What Do You Do When Fear Overcomes You?

(Single pamphlet) Adams contrasts love and fear while teaching how to restructure thought patterns in order to serve God and others with love. 

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875520469
Price $0.50

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What Do You Do When You Become Depressed? (Pack of 100 pamphlets)

(Pack of 100 pamphlets) Jay Adams provides real help for those who suffer from depression.

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ISBN 9780875520872
Direct Price $50.00 $37.50

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