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Ebert, Daniel J., IV

Daniel Ebert is professor of biblical studies at Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio. He was a missionary in Asia for 21 years with the Christian Training and Missionary Fellowship and has advanced degrees from Asian Theological Seminary, Manila, Philippines; Biblical Theological Seminary, Hatfield, Pennsylvania; and Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois.

Edgar, William

William Edgar (DTh, University of Geneva) is professor of apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary and, among other things, a professional jazz musician. His published works include Reasons of the Heart: Taking Note of Music and articles on cultural apologetics, the music of Brahms, and African-American life.

Edrington, Liz

Liz Edrington is the director of fellowship groups and young adults at North Shore Fellowship in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Edwards, Jonathan

Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) served the Northampton Congregational Church in Massachusetts for twenty-three years, then missionary outpost to the Mohawk and Mohican tribes. In 1758, he became president of the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University), only to die a few months later due to an adverse reaction to a vaccination.

Engle, Paul E.

Paul E. Engle (MDiv, Wheaton College Graduate School; DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is an author and ordained minister who teaches as a visiting instructor in the doctor of ministry and practical theology departments in seminaries in the United States and around the world.