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Farenhorst, Christine

Christine Farenhorst, author and poet, has written Amazing Stories from Times PastThe Great EscapeWings like a Dove, and Before My Mother’s Womb. Christine and her husband, Anco, have five children and many grandchildren.

Farley, William P.

William P. Farley is the senior pastor of Grace Christian Fellowship, a non-denominational Evangelical church in Spokane, Washington. He is the author of Outrageous Mercy, Gospel-Powered Parenting, and Gospel-Powered Humility, and has written articles for numerous journals and magazines. Bill and his wife, Judy, live in Spokane, Washington.

Ferguson, Sinclair B.

Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson is professor of systematic theology at Redeemer Seminary and dean of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Ligonier Academy.

Ferriss, Pamela

A child of the Mississippi Delta, Pam received a degree in political science from Mississippi State University and a juris doctor degree from the University of Mississippi. Pam has been married to David for 39 years and has two married children. She is a grandmother to three young granddaughters and lives in Brentwood, Tennessee. Pam’s interests include studying the Scriptures, ministering to mothers of young children, and connecting people with each other. Anyone interested in learning more about Pam can visit

Fesko, J.V.

J. V. Fesko (BA, Georgia State University; MA, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Aberdeen) is professor of systematic and historical theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. He is an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

Fitzpatrick, Elyse

Elyse Fitzpatrick (Certificate in Biblical Counseling, CCEF; MA in Biblical Counseling, Trinity Theological Seminary) is a frequent conference speaker and the author of more than twenty books, as well as numerous journal articles and blogs. She and her husband, Philip, have three adult children and six grandchildren. Access her speaking schedule at and hear her on her weekly podcast, Front Porch with the Fitzes.

Fluhrer, Gabriel N.E.

Gabriel N. E. Fluhrer (MDiv, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary; PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He is the editor of several books and the author of Alive: How the Resurrection of Christ Changes Everything.

Foh, Susan T.

Susan T. Foh is a graduate of Wellesley College (BA in English) and of Westminster Theological Seminary (MA). She has contributed articles and book reviews to various journals and the chapter “Abortion and Women’s Lib” to the book, Thou Shalt Not Kill: The Christian Case Against Abortion, edited by Richard L. Ganz.

Foreman, Clifford W.

Clifford W. Foreman (MA, PhD, Boston University) is professor of English and moderator of the faculty at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, where he has taught since 1986.

Fowler, Lee

Lee Fowler is an elder and Sunday school teacher at East Point Church. He and his wife, Ruth, live in East Point with their son, Getch. 

Fox, Christina

Christina Fox is an author, speaker, and blogger. She is the editor of the PCA women’s ministry blog, enCourage, and a member of the PCA women’s ministry national leadership team.

Frame, John M.

John M. Frame (BD, Westminster Theological Seminary; AM, MPhil, Yale University; DD, Belhaven College) is J. D. Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando. He is the author of many books, including the four-volume Theology of Lordship series, and previously taught theology and apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) and at Westminster Seminary California.

Fullilove, William

William Fullilove (M.Div., Reformed Theological Seminary; Ph.D., The Catholic University of America) is the associate professor of Old Testament and dean of students at Reformed Theological Seminary in New York City, as well as an ordained pastor. He teaches Hebrew and Old Testament exegesis and has published on biblical and ancient languages and Old Testament and New Testament topics.

Futato, Mark D.

Mark D. Futato (MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary; MA, PhD, Semetic Languages and Literature, The Catholic University of America) is professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando campus. He has written widely on creation and the natural world in biblical studies.