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Authors » Ligon Duncan

Ligon Duncan (MDiv, Furman University; MA, Covenant Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Edinburgh) is chancellor and CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary. Previously he was the senior minister of the historic First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, Mississippi. He also served as president of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals from 2004–12.

<a href="/authors">Authors</a> » Ligon Duncan

Give Praise to God A Vision for Reforming Worship

This call for the doxological reformation of the church is offered to “ministers who lead their congregations in worship, musicians who seek a deeper understanding of the spiritual ...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596383920
Direct Price $44.99 $34.00

Solid Ground The Inerrant Word of God in an Errant World

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This is a book about the Book. Not just a book, but the Book—the Word of God written, the only infallible rule of truth and practice for our lives. Sadly that distinction is necessa...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781596384033
Direct Price $13.99 $10.50

Only One Way Christian Witness in an Age of Inclusion

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OUR SOCIETY HAS CHANGED. In our increasingly rootless culture, many people prefer questions over answers, hazy spirituality over concrete belief, and pluralism over the ultimate truth. Ev...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629953939
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

Should We Leave Our Churches? A Biblical Response to Harold Camping

Harold Camping (1921–2013), co-founder and president of the Family Radio Network, announced a “prophetic novelty”: he believed that the church age had come to an end. Ca...

Format Paperback
ISBN 9780875527888
Direct Price $5.99 $4.00

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Does Grace Grow Best in Winter?

Few things trouble our hearts and minds like suffering. “Why is this happening? Why me? How can I get through this? Can I get through this?” God says we can, but he says more....

Format Paperback
ISBN 9781596381551
Direct Price $14.99 $11.50

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Does God Care How We Worship?

Does God care how we worship? For thousands of years, believers have answered with a resounding yes! Ever since the days of Cain and Abel, God has emphasized right worship, and it’s...

Format Paperback, eBook
ISBN 9781629957920
Direct Price $12.99 $10.00